Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Red dot museum reflection
- Can you find examples of SCAMPER from the exhibits?
In this picture, it shows that the designer combined the baby stroller with an umbrella. He eliminates the “u” shaped handle of the umbrella as the users do not need the handle for this product.
Learn From It:
- Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
I learnt that simplicity is the best. There is no need to put in many components of the product if it would not help it in any way. It might make it more complicating to use, or too bulky.
Your Favorite Exhibit:
- Take a picture of the design that you like most and explain why it appeals to you.
This furniture is a combination of a lamp and a chair. The designer put “light” to other use. The light from the chair creates a pattern on the floor.
I feel that this is a very innovative way to design a furniture. It emits light to brighten up the room, creates beautiful patterns on the floor and provides a place to rest and relax.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Exploring Entrepreneurship camp:
Wednesday, 11th (0900hrs to 1730hrs)
September, 12th (0830hrs to 1730hrs)
SST and Ngee Ann Poly
attire: School Uniform
Things to bring:
Laptop and Writing materials
On 11th September, report to ISH, seated like during assembly (by index number)
*altogether 5 groups
*4 students per group (maximum 5)
Map for reference
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Reflection: Visit to the Red Dot Museum
Can you find examples of SCAMPERS from the exhibits?
Substitute: They replaced the traditional numbers and arrows of analog and digital clocks with words to read the time literally.
Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in the Red Dot Museum.
Ans:I have learnt that things can be made simple and still be really useful and well-made.
Your Favourite Exhibit
Take a Picture of a design that you like the most and explain why it appeals to you.
This light switch is capable of controlling the brightness of a light source. I find this design really cool as it was a really simple and easy to understand design, it also looks really elegant.
Friday, 16 August 2013
Week 8 (19 - 23 Aug) and Week 9 (26 - 30 Aug)
Hello All,
Here are the deliverables for each group for the upcoming two weeks:
Here are the deliverables for each group for the upcoming two weeks:
i) Presentation Slides – Students are required to include Google SketchUp of their model in their presentation.
ii) Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Report
iii) Digital Poster
iv) Speaker Presentation (over two weeks: Week 8 and 9)
Each group will be asked a maximum of 2 questions.
Each lesson will have 3 to 4 groups presenting. Each member must present a segment of the project. Total presentation time: 7-8 minutes.
Class IE Rep to assign the sequence of the presentation groups.
The slides for Digital Poster are available on the Sec IE Google Site.
There will be a briefing about the upcoming Exploring Entreprenuership (non-residential) Camp during the IE lesson.
Thank you.
Mr. Patrick Hiap
Tuesday, 13 August 2013
Red Dot Museum
Modified the screen such that it can rotate 360 degrees.
Combine: It certainly looks like that concept is taken from a mac.
Eliminated the two clicking thingy.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Reflection: Visit to the Red Dot Museum
Combine-They added the head band so the wire will be shorter and it is bluetooth.Put to other use-The headband also makes the earpiece look nicer.
Eliminate- Eliminated the wire to plug into the music player.
2. I have learnt that not everything must be complicated to be successful, sometimes, a simple thing such as removing something makes it better.
I like this clock as it displays the time by lighting up letters to form the time so it is very easy to read, tell the time and is very unique.
Visit to the red dot museum
1.Can you find examples of scamper from the exhibits?
Yes.They eliminated the face of the clock and only left one hand of the clock
This clock can be adapted to be stuck to the surface of any wall.
2.Not everything has to be complicated to be award winning,simple things can be great too!
3.This is my favourite exhibit as instead of the usual clock,this clock has words on the clock to tell you the time.This clock appeals to me as I find it very unique and sometimes it is hard to read time accurately at a glance,but this clock enables you to do so.
Yes.They eliminated the face of the clock and only left one hand of the clock
This clock can be adapted to be stuck to the surface of any wall.
2.Not everything has to be complicated to be award winning,simple things can be great too!
3.This is my favourite exhibit as instead of the usual clock,this clock has words on the clock to tell you the time.This clock appeals to me as I find it very unique and sometimes it is hard to read time accurately at a glance,but this clock enables you to do so.
Friday, 9 August 2013
Reflection: Visit to Red Dot Muesuem
This light stand adapted its shape from a tree.
The ring was combined with a puzzle, so it can be played with and wore too.
Learn from it: Innovation can be found anywhere, good designs come from creativeness.
I like this design the most, as it will be very useful and I have experienced many situations where this will help. It is very innovative.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Reflection: visit to red dot museum
In this chair, they eliminated any unnecessary curves bumps or even the backrest.
In this grater they midified it to make it much more user friendly.
Learn from it:
Almost all things have another purpose then intended.
Your favourite exhibit:
The hand crank powered light. It's just so cool with the conveniently kept away handle of the crank and the lights that act as a stand and you can flip up the top to reveal a different light and the noise it makes and the way it looks and there's a different version of it with a radio function and a tape recorder function.
Reflection: Visit to Red Dot Museum
Can you find examples of SCAMPER? (Find as many as you can?)
The rain shield combines a shield and an umbrella and it modifies the typical design of an umbrella.
It adapts the form of a bird and is modified such that it can serve the purpose as a light.
Learn From It:
Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
Answer: I have learnt that sometimes to think of a design, we do not need to over think too much, inspiration can be found anywhere. Keeping things simple and perhaps modifying it creatively may just produce the best results.
Your Favourite Exhibit:
Take a picture of the design that you like most and explain why it appeals to you.
This exhibit uses daily items and crockery to decorate the room. Its bright colours and unique design are rather appealing as this is not something that you would see everyday.
Reflection: Visit To Red Dot Museum (Kimberly)
Full Name: Tan Su Wen Kimberly
Class/Index/Date of visit: S1-04 / 08 / 6 Aug 2013
Class/Index/Date of visit: S1-04 / 08 / 6 Aug 2013
Can you find examples of SCAMPER from the exhibits?
The 5aver, is a flash light and a respirator in one to be used during a fire.
Learn From It:
Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
Not all award winning designs have to be complicated. Some of the best designs are simple and yet very effective.
Your Favorite Exhibit:
Take a picture of the design that you like most and explain why it appeals to you.
The bright contrasting colours catch one's eye. The use of caps, containers and plates to create a backdrop for the items on display is unique and interesting.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Reflection: Visit to the Red Dot Museum
This can be used as a box or a stool. (combination)
The buttons, hands, and physical numbers that are usually seen on normal watches are eliminated from this LED watch. The functions can simply be operated by the touch of a finger.
Learn from it
I have learnt that designs can be inspired by anything, and they are simple yet eye-catching.
Favourite exhibit
I like it the most as rings like that are not commonly seen. The design is simple and unique, and it caught my eye.
Reflection: Visit to the Red Dot Museum
1. Can you find examples of SCAMPER?
This clock has eliminated the hands (Hour, second and minute hand)and replaced them with words instead.
2. Name something you learnt from the visit to the Red Dot Museum
Creative innovations may not need a complicated design. Simplicity can make a design more meaningful.
3. Find a picture and explains why it appeals to you.
The clock.
The design of the clock is simple and it serves its purpose meaningfully, it is not that difficult to read the time also and it is user-friendly, it is different and unique from the other mainstream clocks and it stands out from the usual design line for the clocks.
Reflection: Visit to the Red Dot Museum (Nehal)
1. Can you find examples of SCAMPER?
- The faces of two men were combined. In this picture, the first man is looking straight ahead while the other man is looking towards his left.

- This LED floor lamp provides better light quality and energy efficiency than fluorescent lamps. The lamps generate white light without generating multi-shadows.

2. Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
- The designs are innovative and creative.
3. Take a picture of the design that you like most and explain why it appeals to you.

- It appeals to me as the colours are very attractive. Also, the way they created this exhibition was by using the recycled materials like bottles and cups.

- This LED floor lamp provides better light quality and energy efficiency than fluorescent lamps. The lamps generate white light without generating multi-shadows.

2. Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
- The designs are innovative and creative.
3. Take a picture of the design that you like most and explain why it appeals to you.

- It appeals to me as the colours are very attractive. Also, the way they created this exhibition was by using the recycled materials like bottles and cups.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
Reflection: Visit To Red Dot Museum (Sabrina)
1. Can you find examples of SCAMPER?
The flashlight and respirator.
Umbrella pram
Pram with adjustable umbrella
2. Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs that you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
I have learnt that creativeness and innovativeness put together can achieve wonderful results, both aesthetics and utility.
3. Picture of the design that you like most and why it appeals to you.
It has a flashlight and respirator in one unit, for use when their is like fire emergency and it can be activated in five seconds, which is rather swift and quick in a case of a fire emergency.
Reflection: Visit To Red Dot Museum
1. Can you find examples of SCAMPER?
- The plates in one of the sections
- The Mercedes Benz model cars.
2. Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
- I have learnt that designs can be reused and designed in many different ways.
3. Take a picture of the design that you like the most and explain why it appeals to you.
- The plates in one of the sections
- The Mercedes Benz model cars.
2. Name one thing that you have learnt from the designs you have seen in Red Dot Museum.
- I have learnt that designs can be reused and designed in many different ways.
3. Take a picture of the design that you like the most and explain why it appeals to you.
I like this design the most because it is the most appealing to the eyes and the plates are all very colourful and innovative in terms of design.
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